Sub:- OS IT303
Tutorial list
Tutorial list
Note : don’t write too much write precise. Give table for comparisons.
OS Tutorials on module 4, 5 and 6.
1. Introduction
1. a. Study of various types of OS. (from textbook)
b. Study and compare the all various stable version of OS's. ( from Internet)
c. Study of device driver-floppy, printer, and mouse. (MSDOS programming reference book )
d. Study of .com and .exe file format and compare. (MSDOS programming reference book )
c. Study of device driver-floppy, printer, and mouse. (MSDOS programming reference book )
d. Study of .com and .exe file format and compare. (MSDOS programming reference book )
2.Compilers and Interpreters
2. Study of various system programs with their function. (from textbook)
[Assembler, Compilers, Interpreters, Linkers, Loaders, device drivers.]
3. Study & Implement the following types of algorithms: (from textbook)
1. FCFS 2.SJF 3.Priority based algorithm 4.RR
4. a. Study the difference between thread & process & their execution. (from textbook)
b. What is multi threading & implement program for multi-user chatting with threading .
(any suitable language-C, java, VC++)
OS Tutorials on module 4, 5 and 6.
4.Memory management
4.Memory management
1. Study and implement first fit, best fit & worse fit memory allocation algorithms. (from textbook)
2. Compare memory management techniques w.r.t overhead of address translation, contiguous/non contiguous memory allocation, uni programming/ multiprogramming, fragmentation (internal/ external) swapping of partition/page/segmentation, sharing of code/data, security to program/process. (from textbook)
2. Compare memory management techniques w.r.t overhead of address translation, contiguous/non contiguous memory allocation, uni programming/ multiprogramming, fragmentation (internal/ external) swapping of partition/page/segmentation, sharing of code/data, security to program/process. (from textbook)
5. Virtual memory
2. Define virtual memory, what is demand paging? Enlist page replacement algorithm and explain any one which is best with example. (from textbook)
3. a. Define Critical Section (CS). Enlist the various H/w s/w techniques to solve CS problem. (from textbook)
b. Define Mutual Exclusion (ME). Enlist the various Hw/ s/w techniques to solve ME problem.
(from textbook)
4. a. Define deadlock. Explain the necessary conditions for deadlock to occur.
b. Enlist and explain in short various methods of deadlock handling.
4. a. Define deadlock. Explain the necessary conditions for deadlock to occur.
b. Enlist and explain in short various methods of deadlock handling.
Extra but very very important tutorial: (for this contact admin committee or final year students)
5 a. Case Study of LINUX.
b. Study Linux / UNIX command.
c. Study and implementation of fork system call.
e. Study of pipe with examples.
f. Study of booting processes of various OS's.